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About Me

I am a freelance writer. My written work mainly follows into fiction, delving into mystical fantasy worlds and the supernatural, but dabbles in non-fiction research into topic that I find the most interesting.

At a young age, I had the burning desire to create worlds and encounters for unique characters to traverse into.  I created stories on scraps pieces of paper, dreamt up whole worlds in my head and began heading into the world of creative writing. After struggling with some life problems, I used Television, Film and Games as a way to escape reality. With the joy of creative writing and my newer love of ‘binging’ television shows or playing the latest role play game, progressing my way into the film industry seemed like a no brainer as I had always wanted to inspire other people to create things for themselves, just as I had when I was younger with shows and films that I had enjoyed.

About Me

Doing GCSEs in informational media and computing, I felt an immense pull to go into the gaming industry as a story writer, but quickly changed my mind to Creative Media Production as they went onto A-Level’s. During my time here, I developed a love for producing alongside screenwriting. The scheduling, organising and immense amount of paperwork appealed to me and created an avenue to progress my career.

While in my A-Levels, I had the opportunity to enter two film competitions, winning awards in both. For my short film ‘A Soft Touch’, which was displayed at Southampton Film Week 2018, I won ‘Best Cinematography’ with their roles as the cinematographer. I also wrote and helped with cinematography for the film ‘Enmity’, which was submitted to FCOT Film Competition 2019, and won ‘Best Sound’.

After A-Levels, I decided that I wanted to pursue both the careers and settled on a joint bachelor’s degree in Film Production and Screenwriting at the University of Chichester. I focused on the writing modules as well as taking any opportunity I could to produce the short films created throughout my course. Currently, I am still working towards my bachelor’s degree. But will be continuing with a master's degree in Creative, Digital and Professional Writing.

Throughout university, I became more comfortable with my sexuality as being Pansexual. I became the LGBTQ+ Society President and LGBTQ+ Student Union officer in 2021. This had helped me become more comfortable in my writing, expressing myself freely through the characters and understand my own internal conflict in figuring out just who exactly I am.  I also began creating stories that surrounded more LGBTQ+ matters because I was no longer afraid of what people would say. Writing stories with LGBTQ+ protagonists was something I found enjoyable and made me realise that I never had many LGBT role models to make me feel more comfortable in myself. Writing them for myself allowed me to explore what I felt was right and what I wanted in myself.

Outside of education, I have worked on a few professional films sets so far. Working as a Researcher for a Documentary exploring Aldershot’s involvement in World War One, called 'WarTown' which allowed me experience as a voluntary position on a film shoot. I have also  worked as an Art Department Intern and Standby props of an international feature film that is currently in post-production. 

In my spare time, I has been working on multiple different story concepts that are in varying stages of completion. At this current time, I have yet to have any published works. As well as this, I partake in a long-standing Dungeon and Dragons Campaign, which helps me develop characters, stories and dialogue to help with other projects.

In the future, I hope that my stories serve as a inspiration for young people to be creative in their own different mediums. I also really hope to one day create a supportive community that I had depended on when I was younger to find friends and to create something that someone else can use as escapism when life is harder than expected. 


'Enmity' - Best Sound, FCOT Film Competition (2019)


'Finding Home' - Best Short Script, Best Script Awards Autumn 2023


'A Soft Touch' - Best Cinematography, Southampton Film Week (2018)


'Zecyra' - Best TV Pilot Screenplay, European Short Awards (2024)


'Zecyra' - Finalist, London Film and Television Festival (2023)


Dscryb Scholarship Finalist 2023


'Zecyra' - Finalist, New York Script Awards (2023)


'Instinct' - Quarterfinalist, The Script Lab - TSL Free Screenplay Contest (2022)


'Zecyra' - Best Unproduced Screenplay Nominee, British Independent Film Festival (2024)


'Finding Home' - Official Selection, London Director Awards (2024)


'Zecyra' - Official Selection, Chicago Script Awards (2024)


'Zecyra' - Official Selection, Los Angeles International Screenplay Awards (Fall 2022)


'Finding Home' - Official Selection, Chicago Script Awards (2024)


'Instinct' - Official Selection, Best Script Awards Autumn 2023




(2022-2023) MA Creative, Digital and Professional Writing at London Metropolitan University

(2019 - 2022) BA(Hons) Film Production and Screenwriting at the University of Chichester

(2019-2020) LGBTQ+ Society Treasurer​

(2019-2020) Feminism Society Treasurer

(2019-2020) Course Student Representative

(2020-2021) LGBTQ+ Student Union Elected Officer

(2020-2021) LGBTQ+ Society President

(2017 - 2019) A*A*A* BTEC Creative Media Production

Training and Certificates

Training and Certificates




Tackling Harassment and Bullying at Work

July 2021



Advice First Aid

Jun 2023

Citizen's Advice


Manual Handling

May 2023

Hampshire Council


Covid-19 (Level A) for the Film and Video Production Industry

Sep 2020

Safe Sets


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